Welcome to Senshi Frenzy Version *My Little Princess*. Senshi Frenzy has everything dealing with the famous Sailor Moon show! You can find everything you need to know about the senshi here and more! Don't be fooled by that etc. section, it has TONS of stuff in there that you will love! Go check it out today! ^-^
Senshi Frenzy is a part of Senshi Collective.

Update: 4/14/02
You must be all wondering when I will have a new layout up for this site.....Well I'm not sure when, but I WILL make a new layout during summer vacation. Once again thank you Rylnina for helping me with my site design. You are the best! Everyone should get a chance to check her site out because it's just  fabulous with wonderful creativity and design!

Note: All the links on this page opens up a new window.
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